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Treciojo reicho triumfas
Robertas Petrauskas (SKU #13478)

US $55.00
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  • World War II has more books written about it than any other historical event and, of course, the question is why you need one more. There are many answers to this question. Robert Petrauskas - historian, specializing in twentieth-century history, has accumulated a wealth of data and summarizes the most recent sources and archival material, trying to answer more questions in his book.
    Only now, 70 years after the beginning of the war, you can try to restore the true, unbiased picture. Open (though not all) archives allow us to see a much more radical picture than that which we have been painted for many years.
    History is never black and white. This book shows all colors and tones. This is not about the Soviets, the Westerners, the Germans - it is a story about the Second World War.
    It refers to all of the great leaders and their decisions, even those for which they should be ashamed. It refers to the great kings - they win battles and make mistakes that cost thousands of lives. It refers to the ordinary soldiers and their memories, sometimes more important than the letters of the President. It refers to people who have gone through the most unimaginable nightmares. For us today it seems like an impossible story. But can it really not repeat again? Do we really know all about it?
    Sensationalism and secrecy in the Second World War was less than the books written about them. This story is not a sensation, but it is more genuine than those that were written 20, 30 or 40 years ago. Not that earlier historians could not be objective, but now we just know more. There is a number of excellent, carefully written new works. However, this is the first book about World War II written in Lithuanian.
    The book begins with the act, the end of the First World War.
  • In Lithuanian, 672 pages
    Format: 6.8 x 10 inches (17 x 25cm), hardcover.
  • Vilnius, Lithuania

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