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Mano tevyne, tavo tevyne. Wolf von Lojewski (SKU #13705)
US $16.00
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  • The book reveal the fates of people and nations after the Second World War, when traveling through the area once called the East Prussia. Traveling around the country childhood, Wolf von Lojewski knocked on many doors. The majority of those with whom he met - and senseless war winners and for those who was defeted - fate was far more cruel than him. All told about the strange their lives as they connect the common homeland: A Russian colonel, restores Königsberg Castle, Polish computer scientist who saves endangered Prussia castle and forged profound friendship with the former owners, the last German Zalgiris the Nemunas River and many others. With Siegfried Lenz, Mazur middle son, his books have created the unforgettable sights of this country, by changing ideas about home and history. Was born rich, very personal book with a lot of stories about the daily lives of the people of awakening and change, as well as the ever charming even a remote European corner.Wolf von Lojeewski (b. 1937) - famous German journalist who has worked ARD correspondent in Washington and London, who led the Weltspiegel and Heute Journal. Its activities are evaluated in a number of awards, including the Goldene Camera, Hans Joachim Friedrich Karl Cukmajerio Prize and Medal for Merit in German language.
  • In Lithuanian, hardcover, 221 p., 8-7/8" x 6" (22 x 15cm)
  • Vilnius, Lithuania

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