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Visa turistine Lietuva by Algimantas Semaska, Ingrida Semaskaite (SKU #14181)
US $65.00
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  • This is the most comprehensive, the biggest issue to date guides in Lithuania. It contains the latest information about our country's cities and towns, the most significant places of interest in them - architecture, history and art heritage. It gives detailed descriptions of the Lithuanian estates. The book will bring to the picturesque landscapes, mysterious places in our country. Traveling will detailed maps of cities and neighborhoods. This is the seventh of the travel guide publisher in Lithuania show - it grew with each release as the tree crown, sulapodama growing new branches. The first edition appeared in 1999. It described the area 432. In this book (2011). Areas described in 1200, they - 3430 sights. Locations selected authors helped municipal monument, tourism professionals, travelers, sending feedback on the previous tour guides. Information updated by 2011. autumn data.
    Each trip through Lithuania surprised by new discoveries ... city, town, village history, so to diamond droplet reflects the total history of the region, or individual episodes. Now a tiny hamlet in the past could be an important regional historical crossroads. Stop at the crossroads of major local history offered by the authors. Remember the historical destiny of our country, and discuss them with friends and travel books. Maybe not the major crossroads in our country, can you assess them differently? The authors, in turn, to texts uses the author's comment that invites discussion of the correspondence history, architecture and other topics that dictated attractions.
  • In Lithuanian, hardcover, 880 p., 7" x 6" (18 x 15cm)
  • Lithuania, Vilnius

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