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Uzmirstieji baltu valdovai by Jonas Uzurka (SKU #13909)
US $80.00
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  • The three historical novels:
    First book. Narsusis Rugila- Aleksandro Didžiojo senelis
    In this book you will experience these prehistoric senses what has never and nowhere, read about our deep past, you're not experienced. Page after page moves to several millennia past, a journey through the broad white lands of our ancestors, to meet people of different castes, with the rising Macedonian kingdom of King Philip the second, you will experience the hot and passionate love white master's daughter Medumpei, dive and yet not a single romantic love and tragic fates.

    Second book. Sumanusis Tautvaldis - nuo Nemuno iki Dunojaus
    This book - the first piece of art about our prehistory. By reading we meet with our prehistoric period rulers of their lives. Learn not only about the ancient Greek princess love white military commander, but also a passionate love white ruler ... To interact with Alexander of Macedon, participate in wars, we will experience an exciting affair ... And most importantly, for the first time will feel the mysterious nebulae emerging spirit of our nation.

    Third book: Išmintingasis Visvaldas- Baltų agonijos liudytojas
    In this book, not only for our young lord hot love Neapolitan princess collapsing Roman options and flaming Balts face of earth ... At a time when Germanic embrace poisoned Atila, our military commanders Hun conquers the world conquerors. Rising Byzantium to Balts master's family, and our ancestors susigiminiuoja with neighbors targeting Finno-Ugric ... Find out how the Meier killed last powerful ruler of Balts ... And many adventures and events will the reader, converted this book ...

  • In Lithuanian, hardcove, 784 p., 9" x 6" (23 x 16cm)
  • Lithuania, Vilnius

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