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Mėlynbarzdzio vaikai by Renata Serelyte (SKU #13549)
US $22.00
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  • The Tale of the Mėlynbarzdį knows everyone. And no modern adaptation with a happy end to this terrible tale not encroach substantially - forbidden still room for people to find, not the cabbage heads. Thus, each case will have to face cruel punishment involving a breach of the rules.
    Mėlynbarzdis - a kind of symbol of times past, which embodies the authoritarian regime and the human anonymity. Bluebeard System, children are children who grow up to the forbidden room door, and learned to follow the rules: Shut up, obey and follow. Their isolation, melancholy, unwillingness and inability to act, the active life of fear, extreme sensitivity to self and indifference to others, those returning an adequate expression of emotional feelings have become a sort of phenomenon. With that face psychiatrists and psychologists, as can be seen reading crime news and watching the public and political life of the trend.
    This novel - a story with three narrators voices blend into a seamless flow of confession. Confessing desirable not only survive the tragedy, but also to convey the tragedy of catharsis. To provide what raises the human spirit over suffering, cleanses it, purifies and dismissed.
  • In Lithuanian, hardcover, 216 p., 9-1/2" x 6-1/2" (24 x 16cm)
  • Vilnius, Lithuania

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