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Monikos Mironaites gyvenimo romanas by Dagnė Jakseviciute (SKU #13641)
US $33.00
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  • Monica Mironaitė - actress, has the Second World War, the theater has become a legend, and it was her happiness and unhappiness. About her saying that she never-ending, never continuous theater. So this book - once again ignite the gun, enlightening life-stage, where he reigned Grand Monica. Dagny Jakševičiūtė, being not only a daughter, but the actress is trying his book on the legend of flesh from the inside, backstage scenes from the life of the home environment. At home, there were also frequent the theater, playwright intrigue, making the book and hence no memoirs, memoirs and novels. Monica Mironaitė life incessantly something he loved - often precariously, sinful, and that created her life stories. Dramatic tension reinforced by the fact that even so it is not living in a moment neither contradicted the highest moral and ethical principles - both on stage and in life. This led to her wanderings through many theaters not only in Lithuania. Today, not everyone remembers Monica Mironaitę scene, her acting magic (just because it plays to the crowd skubedavoi), because this book is even more valuable. Restrained, even austere D. Jakševičiūtė style repurchases authenticity - after all that is written in the novel, the nearest human Monica Mironaitės seen, experienced, lived. The book dominated by impressive Monica Mironaitės man Juozas Baltušis, poet Eduardo Miezelaitis, many others of that time actors and directors portraits contours. This book is valuable not only in theater but also in literary history.
  • In Lithuanian, hardcover, 280 p., 6-7/8" x 10" (17 x 25cm)
  • Vilnius, Lithuania

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