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Iskiliausios Lietuvos moterys by Jonas Uzurka (SKU #13908)
US $80.00
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  • Historical Romance Trilogy
    Queen Martha: Love and crown charm. The novel takes to the prominent Queen Martha times - XIII century and tells the story of prominent personalities, their lives and adventures of the king's manor intrigues.
    There the reader will meet not only determined the queen, the king's adviser, celebration feasts smiling woman, but also will feel the young princess passionate, full of love for adventure, not a mature lady Martha sensitivity, compassion, motherly affection, diligence and never invincible love for King Mindaugas. Will meet with King Mindaugas. Only this time - not with sword in hands ...

    Duchess Birute: noble love drama
    Career from the novel takes place in medieval times - XIV century. Two brothers - Grand Dukes Algirdas and Kestutis - successfully managing lands inherited from their father Gediminas, generates new families, raising children, have war with the crusaders orders, expanding Grand Duchy of Lithuania. After the death of Algirdas begin the political intrigues, conflicts between Kestutis and his nephew Jogaila. Standing Orders harassment, common Kestutis hiking exhausts edge fragment nobles. Crash diarchy, Kestutis weakened. Finally, he treacherously murdered, Birute also receives tragic outcome, she always loved the great, and maintained her husband.
    The work is rich in raids descriptions perfectly conveyed the king's mansion atmosphere, with rich colors drawn women - wife Birute Kestutis and Algirdas wife Julijona - paintings.

    Sofia VytautaitÄ— - Duchess of Love and Passion
    In the novel, we indulge in the mysterious, intriguing medieval lives of two people in love noble passions and dramatic suffering. Along with the Duchess Sophia reader participate in the solemn feasts, painfully survives a tragic disaster, the most expensive loss of life, exile.
    Sofia VytautaitÄ— fulfill their ancestors and parents will. Her offspring will become not only in Moscow but also in all the Russian rulers.

  • In Lithuanian, hardcover, 936 p., 9" x 6" (22 x 15cm)
  • Lithuania, Vilnius

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